
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Seasons change!

Oh my!!! Has it really been April since my last post?

It's amazing the directions your life can go in 7 months. 

My babies are nearly 1 1/2 
 *dies a little inside*

I no longer nurse them to sleep.
*dies again*

Isabella is thriving beautifully in homeschool. We have made some wonderful new friendships, she LOVES our new co-op, and we love that peaceful easy feeling of home learning. 

We finally placed membership at our sweet church that we have attended for a few years now. We love it so. We have a warm and welcoming church family that we feel so blessed by!

Our not-so-little-anymore family is going in some really exciting directions! God has placed so many opportunities in our path lately. Some we have been intimidated by, but we trust Him and He never disappoints.

All of this being said...I'm moving blogs. Again. 
 I want to shift focus...those darned winds of change :) 

This blog was originally created to promote my shop, and my projects, and for me to post tutorials...My NEW blog won't even be mine at all. It will be ours. Meaning, everyone in the family will be contributing. Isabella is old enough to contribute now, and believe you me, she has lots of stories to tell! And David wants to do a little divulging as well. I've always loved being able to write and share, and I REALLY love that my family wants to join in the fun. 
We will chronicle our little travels, creations, recipes, adventures, triumphs, giggles and sweet moments...and certainly a few trials, (hopefully very few)

I'm working on having all of my previous posts combined and made into a book so that we can keep them to look back on. I consider these my virtual scrap books, it's also therapeutic for this mama :)

Life is beautiful! The beauty is everywhere...if you squint real hard.

Thanks for bearing with me!